Simulink Integration of Giotto/TDL


  • Wolfgang Pree
  • Gerald Stieglbauer
  • Josef Templ

The paper first presents the integration options of what we call the Timing Description Language (TDL) with MathWorks' Simulink tools. Based on the paradigm of logical execution time (LET) as introduced by Giotto [2], TDL enhances Giotto towards a component architecture for real-time control applications [9]. The challenge is to provide appropriate visual and interactive modeling capabilities so that the developer can come up with the TDL timing model in the context of Simulink which has established itself as defacto modeling standard for control applications. The paper illustrates by means of a simple case study how we envision an adequate integration of both the TDL and the Simulink modeling approaches. 1 The Power of an Appropriate Software Model Traditionally, control theory and hardware-based engineering have addressed the design of robust control applications using continuous-time signals. The permanent increase of the computing power of microprocessors has been reinforcing the trend to implement control functionality in software [3]. Software processes however, evolve in discontinuous time [4]. The distinction between embedded hardware and software systems lies conceptually in the different treatment of concurrency and the role of time [6]. As the complexity of embedded control applications increases, it is essential to introduce means to master the complexity of the software [5] and to define adequate methods and tools for building such control systems. The buzz word model-based development has been coined to express that control and software engineers should use methods and tools that support application-centric development instead of a platform-centric approach. The key challenge is to identify the appropriate modeling abstractions and to provide a set of tools that better supports the process of modeling control applications. Giotto and its successor TDL illustrate the key ingredients of a good software model for control applications: Application-centric abstractions. Traditionally, a control system is designed using tools for mathematical modeling and simulation, such as MathWorks' Simulink. Giotto has introduced the separation of the timing behavior from the functionality code (control laws). Giotto focuses only on the timing behavior. The functionality code can be programmed in any non-embedded programming language such as C. Simulink can be used to model the control laws and to generate the corresponding C code from these models. The main abstractions introduced by Giotto are the task and mode constructs. A task periodically computes a function (typically a control law). A mode contains a set of activities, task invocations, actuator updates and mode switches. A Giotto program is in one mode at a time. Mode switch conditions are checked periodically to determine whether to switch from the current mode to another one. Tasks form the units of computation. They are invoked periodically with a specified frequency. They deliver results through task output ports connected to actuators or to other tasks, and they read input values from sensor ports or from output ports of other tasks. Thus, a TDL model specifies the real-time interaction of a set of components with the physical world, as well as the real-time interaction between the components. What makes Giotto a good software model is the fact that the developer does not have to worry about platform details, for example: will the application be executed on a single node or on a distributed platform; which scheduling scheme ensures the timing behavior [4]; which device drivers copy the values from sensors or to actuators. Thus, the software model emphasizes application-centric transparency (simplicity), improves reliability and enables reuse, whereas the compiler that generates the code from the model emphasizes performance. Determinism. The key property of the TDL semantics is the logical execution time (LET) assumption, which means that the execution times associated with all computation and communication activities are fixed and determined by the model, not by the platform. In TDL, the logical execution time of a task is always exactly the period of the task, and the logical execution times of all other activities (mode switching, data transfer across links, etc.) are always zero. According to [2] the LET assumption has all concurrent task executions within a TDL mode run logically in parallel. The logical execution time of a task is an abstract notion which is possibly very different from the actual, physical execution time of the task on a particular CPU, which may vary from task invocation to task invocation. The power of the LET assumption stems from the fact that logical, not physical execution times determine when sensors are read, when actuators are written, and when data travels across links. As a consequence of the LET assumption, a TDL model is environment determined: for any given behavior of the physical world seen through the sensors, the model computes a unique trace of actuator values at periodic time instants [2]. In other words, the only source of nondeterminism in a TDL system is the physical environment. Furthermore, TDL represents a real-time process model that lifts program composition to process composition [10]: processes composed in that model compute, given a sequence of inputs, the same sequence of outputs (value-determinism) at the same time (time-determinism) provided the composition preserves the process timing (time-invariant) and is schedulable (time-safe), and the individual processes are valueand time-deterministic. Syntax. The original syntax of both, Giotto and TDL is a textual one. The TDL language report [8] describes this representation of TDL programs in detail. Though one might prefer the textual representation of a TDL program, it was a goal from the beginning to also provide a visual and interactive modeling support for TDL. We aim at a seamless integration with the Simulink paradigm and tools, in particular its simulation capabilities. The paper first sketches the integration options of TDL and Simulink that have seemed to be the natural choices but finally turned out to lead to dead ends. Based on that experience we present in section 3 what we regard as the most suitable integration. The paper assumes that the reader has a basic knowledge about Mathworks’ Matlab/Simulink tools. 2 TDL as Part of Simulink This section describes what have seemed to be the two straight-forward integration approaches. We explain, why these integration approaches that we have actually implemented, have lead to a dead end. On the one hand this explains why we regard the third way, using Simulink as a back-end (section 3), as the most suitable one. On the other hand this might help to select the appropriate integration with Simulink for other model-based approaches. 2.1 TDL Tasks as Simulink S-Function Blocks A Simulink model is composed of blocks and signal lines. Blocks contain either functionality which is used to calculate the output value(s) from the input value(s) of a block, or they contain further Simulink blocks. These container blocks are called Subsystem blocks and allow an arbitrary nesting. Subsystem blocks are the only means for structuring a Simulink model. From a programming language perspective, a Subsystem block corresponds conceptually to a function. Thus, the module construct is completely missing in Simulink. In other words, the Simulink modeling paradigm is stuck at function-oriented, top-down design. No module or class constructs which are nowadays regarded as essential for component-based development, are available for modeling. Signal lines connect output ports of blocks with input ports of other ports and represent visually the data flow in a Simulink model. The common way of extending the Simulink functionality is through so-called System-function blocks (S-function blocks). Their functionality is programmed either in C, Ada, Fortran or Matlab. The program providing the particular S-function block behavior has to adhere to Simulink's callback architecture. This means that several callback functions have to be implemented in the chosen programming language. The most important callback functions are mdlOutputs(...) and mdlUpdate(...). The execution phase of each Simulink block is an iterative computation of (1) the block outputs (2) block states and (3) the next time step. The function mdlOutputs(...) calculates the output of the block, while mdlUpdate(...) updates the block states. The basic idea of coming up with a periodic task is to harness the subsystem triggering mechanism. Figure 1 illustrates this Simulink feature. If the triggering Sfunction block sends a 1 (true) via the data flow link to the subsystem, the subsystem is activated. Thus, the S-function block has to trigger the subsystem which represents a TDL task according to the desired frequency. Fig. 1. A triggered Subsystem block in Simulink. Managing a LET-based task communication requires that the result of a task execution (output values calculated by the Subsystem block) is communicated to another task after a fixed time period. Thus we need conceptually another S-function block that delays the communication of the values that flow between TDL tasks. To streamline the usage we have implemented the communication and triggering behavior described above in one S-function block. Figure 2 shows how a simple TDL program is specified with that S-function block. The S-function block has a clock as symbol inside. Note that one S-function block instance is used for triggering a subsystem and another one is used for the output signal line. The two Giotto tasks represented as Simulink subsystems simply increase their input by one. Task1 (upper Subsystem block in Figure 1) runs twice as fast as Task2. Fig. 2. A TDL program with two tasks. Benefits and drawbacks. The presented approach is the recommended choice for extending Simulink. Nevertheless, applying S-functions to TDL tasks is too finegrained: The generated code (Real-Time Workshop) does not allow the preemption of TDL tasks. This limitation is a show stopper: First, the time intervals between two simulation steps have to be as small as determined by the fastest TDL task. Second, all task computations have to be done within that interval. Thus, the S-Function integration option at the granularity of TDL tasks results in inefficient code that might be useless in practice in most situations. Instead, the usage of S-functions to implement the TDL E-machine proved to be the ideal way of integrating TDL with Simulink. Section 3 sketches this usage of Sfunctions. 2.2 Integration of TDL Tasks and Modes through Model Transformation The basic idea of this kind of integration is to use standard Simulink blocks to model the LET behavior of TDL tasks. The Zero-Order-Hold (ZOH) and Unit-Delay (UD) blocks allow the modeling of this core TDL property. Figure 3 shows the TDL program with the same semantics as the one in Figure 2. Fig. 3. A TDL program with two tasks constrained by ZOH and UD blocks. From the developer’s point of view the insertion of the ZOH and UD blocks becomes inconvenient for more complex programs. With several tasks and numerous input and output lines it is tedious to place the ZOH and UD blocks and to define their parameters so that they correspond to the desired task periods. Above all, this would only suffice for simulation. To benefit from TDL, the compilable textual TDL program would have to be written by hand after the model simulation leads to satisfying results. This is why we have defined a TDL task block that is used to specify the model. The model then can be transformed by the S/TDL translator tool for simulation (the ZOH and UD blocks are inserted automatically by the S/TDL translator). The S/TDL translator also generates the TDL textual program from the model. That can be compiled for a specific execution platform. Below we model a simple throttle control system to illustrate this approach. This sample application only comprises TDL tasks in one mode. So no modes and no mode switches have to be modeled. Fig. 4. Top level view of the throttle control model. Developer’s perspective. We use the Simulink editor to define both, the TDL program (timing aspects) and the functionality (control laws corresponding to the task functions) of the throttle controller. On the top level subsystem, we define the TDL controller and the plant, that is, the model of the throttle, which interacts with the controller during the simulation. To model the plant, we use standard Simulink blocks and put them into a subsystem block. To define the TDL controller, we use the socalled TDL program block from a library. Figure 4 shows the top level view of the model. A TDL program block contains TDL task blocks, which are also in the TDL library. In our case study, only one task is needed for controlling the throttle (see Figure 5). In a dialog box the developer defines the task frequency relative to the period of the TDL program block and its initial output values. The initial output values are set to 0, while we configure the relative task frequency to 1, which means a task execution period of 25ms (hyper period defined for the TDL program block). Fig. 5. Definition of a TDL task. Finally, we model the functionality of the task inside that subsystem block with the appropriate Simulink blocks (see Figure 6). Simulation of a TDL program. After modeling the controller in Simulink, the developer typically simulates it. For that purpose, the S/TDL translator tool translates the model to one which has the ZOH and UD blocks inserted so that the model exhibits the TDL semantics. The translation results in a new Simulink model file. The developer loads that model into Simulink and starts the simulation. The user analyses the simulation results and decides if modifications have to be done to the original model. In this case, the developer changes the original model, repeats the translation step and starts the simulation again. Fig. 6. Definition of the functionality (control law) of the TDL task that controls the throttle. Code generation. Once the model exhibits the desired behavior the code for the target platform has to be generated. We refrain from describing the details of the code generation process and refer the interested reader to [7]. The S/TDL translator generates on the one hand the textual TDL program which is then compiled with the TDL compiler. On the other hand glue code is generated that allows the linking of the TDL executable (timing code) with the functionality code, which is the C code generated from the tasks by means of one of the Simulink_to_C generator tools such as the Real-Time Workshop (RTW) or TargetLink. We have shown the feasibility of that code generation process in the realm of the throttle control example for the MPC555 platform, with the OSEK operating system and the RTW. Hitting the wall—providing TDL modes in addition to TDL tasks. The semantics of TDL modes implies a significant increase in the complexity of the transformed model. As TDL mode switches correspond to constrained state transitions in state flow diagrams, the idea was to use Simulink’s StateFlow editor for specifying a TDL mode switch. (The TDL mode switches are so far constrained as the mode switch conditions are checked periodically, thus complying with the LET assumption. Furthermore TDL currently does not support nested modes.) Figures 7 and 8 show a sample model with two modes. The modes are modeled in the Simulink editor (Figure 7). We do not explain here the nasty detail that a merge block is required. The chart block represents a link to another editor, the StateFlow editor that is part of the Simulink tool suite. Figure 8 shows the modeling of the transition between the two modes in the StateFlow editor. Note that the variables used in the switch conditions, such as NormalMode_out1 have to adhere to a naming convention so that the two diagrams are connected. The number 2 separated by a bar (|) from the condition specifies the relative frequency how often the switch condition is going to be checked. Fig. 7. Modeling a TDL program with modes in Simulink. Fig. 8. Modeling mode switch conditions with the StateFlow editor. Though the simple example seems to be manageable from a developer’s perspective, Figure 9 corroborates that this is not the case any longer in a slightly more complex example: a TDL program with three modes and several input and output signal lines. Note that this is still the simplified modeling view the developer has. Even the usage of Multiplexer/Demultiplexer blocks and GoTo blocks does not help to simplify the model. Benefits and Drawbacks. If modeling TDL programs without mode switching, the presented approach is the most straightforward one. A Simulink user can easily accomplish that. It leads to better structured Simulink models where the timing and functionality behavior is separated. However, if modes are required, which typically is the case in practice, the model becomes too cluttered and thus barely understandable. In addition, the developer has to obey to several guidelines and naming conventions. The Simulink model editor does not provide means to give feedback about modeling rule violations. Potential violations could only be caught by the S/TDL translator tool when the model is processed. All the disadvantages of this approach compared to the separate TDL editor suite are discussed in section 3.2. Fig. 9. Three modes already result in complex models that cannot easily be understood. 3 Separate TDL Editor Suite with Simulink as Simulation Platform Analogous to the fact that StateFlow is a separate editor focused on state transition diagrams and integrated in the Simulink tool suite, a separate TDL editor suite can best support the developer in modeling the timing behavior of an application. Similar to StateFlow, the TDL Editor suite is well integrated to Simulink so that it seems to the user as if he or she would work with the same application. The seamless integration, however, does not stop at providing a separate editor suite for modeling TDL applications: As mentioned before, execution times associated with all computation and communication activities are fixed and determined by the TDL program not by the platform. This means that TDL applications are platformindependent. To ensure that the timing behavior of such an application is the same on different platforms, a virtual machine called E machine is used. For supporting a new platform, only the E machine has to be ported to that platform. This section shows that it is possible to provide such an E machine for the Simulink simulation environment too. As a consequence of that fact, Simulink is not longer seen as a Simulation environment with some special treatment regarding the TDL toolchain. Indeed, Simulink is seen now as a platform like any other (hardware) platform. The section describes the new tool chain with the TDL editor suite and the Simulink platform from the developer’s perspective. The enhanced throttle control case study, that now comprises two modes, illustrates the modeling of a sample application. A discussion of the advantages of this integration solution rounds out the paper. platform timing and functionality aspects

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تاریخ انتشار 2004